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The Time to Study Abroad is Now


One of the best ways to immerse yourself in a culture is to live it — not just study it. After all, at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, we want our students to learn just as much about the human experience as they do about language. How do you accomplish that? By traveling!

There are few experiences that are as transformative to the development of a student as study abroad. A full immersion in another culture heightens ones cultural sensitivities and opens our minds to the complexity of the world. And, if that is not enough, study abroad increases the competitiveness of our students as they seek employment upon graduation. — Chancellor Randy Woodson

In many ways, study abroad is the most effective and dramatic experience by which students can broaden their international viewpoints and attain new perspectives on their own country. As one student put it “When will you ever again have a chance to become part of another country, even for a short time?” The time to study abroad is now.

Earn academic credit, enhance your resume, immerse yourself in another culture, and change your life by becoming a citizen of the world and thriving in the international environment of the 21st century. Applications for Summer 2016 Study Abroad programs are open already. Get started on the Study Abroad Programs page to find the right program for you!

Need funding? No problem! The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures awards the Felner Traveling Scholarship which consists of two $1,000 prizes awarded to students every spring at our awards ceremony. Don’t miss the opportunity and visit our Study Abroad Programs page today!

Want to know more… read some testimonials:

Marc Celestini — Peru & Spain

Laila Knio — France

Megan Hornbeck — Spain


zuloaga museum 2015 img
Students visiting the Zuloaga Museum in Spain, Summer 2015.
Student with Peruvian women in Cuzco, Peru.
Students visiting Rome, Italy.

Posted by Webmaster, with Jasmyn Morere