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FLL Debora Godfrey Retires after 33 years

Debora Godfrey image
Debora Godfrey retires after 33 Years.

FLL Administrative Assistant Debora Godfrey retires after 33 years at NCSU. Debora began her employment at NC State in June 1980 as half-time as Veterans Administration Secretary. She began working full time in 1981 with Registration and Records, first in the print shop and then as a student services clerk. She transferred to the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures in 1986 as the Student Services Manager. She was promoted to the Department Head’s Administrative Assistant in 1992. She worked under 3 Department Heads and 2 Interim Department Heads.

Debora has 3 daughters and 9 grandchildren, ages 5-18. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, square dancing, baking, fishing, reading, motorcycle riding and working with Veterans organizations.

From 1986 to 2013 Debora has been the heart and soul of the department and a tireless worker. Her energetic commitment to colleagues, generous spirit, kind heart, and sense of humor made FLL a harmonious workplace. It was Debora’s responsibility to take care of everyone’s needs – and she did so with flair. She expertly managed a large and diverse department: supervising the main office and its staff, overseeing the complexities of contracts, grants, and personnel actions, disbursing a five-million dollar budget each year, and serving as the department head’s most important employee and trusted counsel. FLL is a thriving and important department at NC State and it is Debora Godfrey who helped to create what it is today.

Beyond Debora’s dedicated service to FLL for 27 years, Debora is also a family member of the NC State community which has been fortunate to have such an outstanding employee for the past 33 years. In FLL we will have fond memories of Debora and do the best we can without her – it will not be easy. She leaves an enormous footprint.

[This post is an abridged version of a Newsletter article by FLL Head Dr. Ruth Gross. The full version is available online]