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Foreign Language and Literatures

Sep 5, 2014

September Student of the Month

Alex Hyler is a senior pre-dental student majoring in Spanish Languages and Literatures. She has interned and volunteered in several dental offices and clinics, including one in Bolivia. She studied abroad in Spain, is a Fall 2014 teaching assistant, and founded the NC State Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fundraiser in 2013-14.

Aug 14, 2014

Student Research Translates Into Broader Horizons

Tingting Ji is proficient in four languages: Chinese, French, English, and Italian. So when she saw an email about an undergraduate research award that involved translating, the Foreign Languages and Literatures major leapt at the opportunity. As this video shows, her translation project translated into newfound skills, interests, and graduate study.

Jun 3, 2014

Boots on the Ground at NC State’s Language Training Center

If you were in Raleigh or on NC State’s campus earlier this summer, you may have bumped into a large group of young people speaking Arabic. Wonder no more: they were members of the military from Ft. Fisher, Ft. Bragg and NC State who were studying Arabic language and culture through the university's Language Training Center.

May 16, 2014

CHASS Students Earn International Scholarships, Fellowships

CHASS students earned prestigious international scholarships and fellowships this year, including Goldwater, Fulbright, Boren and Gilman awards. Congratulations to all those who are pursuing their passion and their education through international study.

Apr 1, 2014

April Student of the Month

Danielle Beysolow is a senior majoring in psychology. Active in CSLEPS and Read to L.E.A.D,, she has studied abroad in France and participated in an alternative spring break trip in the Dominican Republic. She plans to attend a graduate program for school psychology.

Feb 13, 2014

February Student of the Month

Elizabeth Medlin is a double major in International Studies and Spanish, with a Political Science minor. She participated in the NC State Ethnographic Field School in Guatemala (Summer 2013) and is an intern for the NC Immigrant Rights Project. Active in student groups, honor societies and research, she plans to attend law school for immigration law.

Jan 17, 2014

Internship Enables Student to Aid Immigrants

Emily Scotton ‘15 (front row, second from left) recently completed an internship that connected multiple dots between her career interests and her majors in Spanish and political science and her minor in nonprofit studies. In addition to practicing her Spanish, the Park scholar learned how nonprofits serve the community. What's more, Scotton -- who's interested in a law career -- got to see how immigration law applies in a nonprofit setting and even assisted in writing an affidavit. Think and Do!

Nov 18, 2013

ProSalud Tackles Language Barriers in Healthcare Settings

Communication is essential to doctors, nurses and other health professionals, but language and cultural barriers prevent many people in the U.S. from communicating effectively with their health care providers. Scholars in NC State's Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures are addressing the issue with a suite of programs and resources designed to improve Spanish-language communication efforts for health care professionals and their patients.

Nov 11, 2013

Virtual Symposium Marks Milestone for NC State’s Latin American Studies Journal

When NC State's Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures founded a journal on Latin American studies in 2003, it was one of the first online, open access scholarly publications of its kind. A Contracorriente recently marked its tenth anniversary in a similarly technologically advanced style.

Aug 23, 2013

Kaitlyn Rogers: FLL Major Extraordinario

Kaitlyn Rogers is a double major in Spanish and Biology, president of the FLL Spanish Club, and a Jefferson Scholar. She's also an aspiring medical student. Read this Q&A to learn how her major in Spanish is reinforcing her career decision to become a doctor.