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Il Circolo Italiano, Where the Wolfpack Can Experience a Little Bit of Italy Right Here in Raleigh

Italian Club cooking class group photo (Fall 2014). Photo courtesy of Anna Rita Bonaduce-Dresler.

Italian Club cooking class group photo (Fall 2014). Photo courtesy of Anna Rita Bonaduce-Dresler.

Italian Club cooking class Fall 2014. Photo Credit: Anna-Rita Bonnaduce-Dresler.

Are you interested in a club rich with Italian culture and language? Are you hoping to be part of an organization with dedicated and passionate leaders? Then check out NC State’s Circolo Italiano!

Under the guidance of club adviser and Italian professor Anna-Rita Bonnaduce-Dresler, the Circolo Italiano or Italian club flourishes as an environment where students can gather and experience a little bit of Italy right here in Raleigh.

Kalsey Strout, Amron Lee, and Sophia Menozzi are all officers of the Italian club, and dedicate their time and love for the Italian language and culture to shape a truly outstanding student organization. Kalsey is majoring in biology and animal science, and joined the club after taking an Italian class at NC State. “I fell into it because I loved it so much,” she explains. Amron, majoring in design studies, shares her sentiment. She’s “changed a lot of things in college,” including her major, “but being a member of the Italian club is something that’s never changed.” Sophia, who enjoys the enthusiasm of the club members, adds, “Everyone that comes is really excited to be there.” She is majoring in sociology, and speaks conversational Italian fluently.

All three are also pursuing a minor in Italian studies.

Although she gives the officers guidance, Anna-Rita allows the club to be an opportunity for them to develop their marketing and organizational skills, and speaks very highly of the leaders of the Italian club. “I learn a lot from them,” she says. “They are very good about sharing tasks, and there are always two or three officers representing the Italian club at every event.”

Past club events throughout this semester included coffee meetings, study abroad information sessions, gelato, and an opera night to watch Madama Butterfly. These gatherings provide members with the opportunity to engage with other Italian speakers, regardless of skill level or experience.

The club also participates in service projects, and supports NC State’s Perugia Study Abroad Program. Kalsey and Amron both studied abroad, and deeply enjoyed the experience. To learn more about studying abroad in Perugia, visit the Foreign Language Department’s Study Abroad Program website.

The Italian club meets twice a month at varying times and week days, and will have a calendar set for next semester’s events soon. For more information on the Italian club and their upcoming events, visit their website. All are welcome to attend club meetings.

By Jasmyn Morere