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Nov 11, 2013

Virtual Symposium Marks Milestone for NC State’s Latin American Studies Journal

When NC State's Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures founded a journal on Latin American studies in 2003, it was one of the first online, open access scholarly publications of its kind. A Contracorriente recently marked its tenth anniversary in a similarly technologically advanced style.

Oct 8, 2012

German Professor Earns Top Prize

Assistant Professor of German Jonathan Wipplinger has won recognition for his research into blackface minstrelsy in German culture. "The Racial Ruse: On Blackness and Blackface Comedy in fin-de-siecle Germany" was voted as the best article in The German Quarterly (vol. 84) by the journal's 16-member editorial board. Wipplinger will receive the Max Kade Prize -- one of the most prestigious prizes in German Studies -- for his work.

Sep 28, 2012

World’s French Bread Expert Keynotes “Feast and Famine” Conference

The college’s Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures is hosting "Feast and Famine," an international, interdisciplinary conference about 19th century French studies. The world’s leading authority on the history of French bread is serving as keynote speaker. Steven Kaplan has been knighted twice in France for his devotion to the baguette. Kaplan, professor of European History at Cornell University, will give a free public talk while he's here, too.

Nov 1, 2011

Helping Soldiers Talk the Talk

Several years ago, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures received a grant to teach ROTC students five critical languages: Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Russian and Urdu. That grant launched Project Gold, an intensive summer program that helps prepare future leaders to understand both the languages and the cultures of the places they're going.

Jun 9, 2011

National Women’s Conference at NC State: “Unite for Peace”

Join the U.S. National Committee for UN Women at the 2011 National Conference “UNITE for PEACE – in our home, in our community, and in our world.” The conference builds collaborations to end violence against women – locally and globally. Leaders, subject matter experts, and other interested parties from nonprofit organizations, government, academia, philanthropy and…

Mar 28, 2011

Four CHASS Grad Students Win Awards at Research Symposium

On March 21, the NC State University Graduate Student Association held its Sixth Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium. Over 150 graduate students, nominated by their departments’ respective Director of Graduate Programs, gathered in the McKimmon Center to showcase the outstanding quality and diversity of the university’s graduate-level research, practice communicating with members outside of their…