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Aug 18, 2015

Students Recognized for Service, Leadership

NC State’s Alumni Association pays special attention to students who emerge as campus leaders, knowing the special traits these undergraduates hone here will serve them – and the wider world – once they graduate. Each year, the Alumni Association recognizes a few of the university’s seniors who are role models for leadership and service with the Mathews Medal. Two of the four 2015 recipients are Humanities and Social Sciences students: Austin Bath and Alex Parker. 

Mar 2, 2015

Alum’s Think and Do Response To Children’s Cancer

Through Headbands of Hope, Jessica Ekstrom (Communication '13) embodies NC State's Think and Do approach to addressing challenges, even those faced by little girls who have cancer. 

Apr 1, 2014

April Student of the Month

Danielle Beysolow is a senior majoring in psychology. Active in CSLEPS and Read to L.E.A.D,, she has studied abroad in France and participated in an alternative spring break trip in the Dominican Republic. She plans to attend a graduate program for school psychology. 

Jun 25, 2013

Alex Parker, FLL Major, Named NC State Student Body President

Alexander Jones Parker, a Spanish major with a teaching education option, will serve as the new NC State student body president. Here's a Q&A with Alex that provides some insights into his world view and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

Jan 24, 2013

Happy birthday, CHASS!

Happy birthday, CHASS! 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. We're working on a pretty cool timeline that we'll be sharing with you later this spring. In the meantime, take a peek at a video created for the timeline by Jim Alchediak, an instructor in our Department of Communication, with the help of some of his advanced video production students. Stay tuned! 

Nov 1, 2011

Helping Soldiers Talk the Talk

Several years ago, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures received a grant to teach ROTC students five critical languages: Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Russian and Urdu. That grant launched Project Gold, an intensive summer program that helps prepare future leaders to understand both the languages and the cultures of the places they're going.