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Apr 22, 2013

Recent Grad Advocates for Justice Abroad

For Ashley Honeycutt (Political Science, '12), a degree in political science was always a part of the trajectory of law school. But her experiences in CHASS and with the Susan Carter Scholarship inspired some changes in course. Honeycutt currently works with the International Justice Mission in La Paz, Bolivia. 

Feb 13, 2013

Letters Home

While Maryam Mohaghegh may not be able to send express mail home due to current sanctions, she is doing one better — working on the Farsi editions of National Geographic magazine. 

Sep 28, 2012

World’s French Bread Expert Keynotes “Feast and Famine” Conference

The college’s Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures is hosting "Feast and Famine," an international, interdisciplinary conference about 19th century French studies. The world’s leading authority on the history of French bread is serving as keynote speaker. Steven Kaplan has been knighted twice in France for his devotion to the baguette. Kaplan, professor of European History at Cornell University, will give a free public talk while he's here, too. 

Sep 18, 2012

47th Summer Institute in English

The college recently hosted its 47th Summer Institute in English, welcoming a contingent of 59 international students from 18 different countries. When the five-week intensive program ended, they returned to their home countries with improved English skills, expanded cultural experiences, and fond memories of their American summer in North Carolina. 

Aug 1, 2012

Correspondence from an Extraordinary Alum Abroad

Dean Jeff Braden's recent post about the challenges of visiting countries where English is not the primary language prompted this thoughtful response from CHASS alum Katie Starr ('11, International Studies and French), who is in Indonesia with the Peace Corps. 

Jun 28, 2012

The Dean’s Reflections: The Importance (and Limitations) of Speaking English

CHASS Dean Jeff Braden recently returned from China, where he represented the university at Nanjing Normal University to explore how the two universities might collaborate in areas ranging from study abroad programs to student and faculty exchanges to potential collaborative research and degree programs. In this column, the dean shares his frustration with his own inability to communicate well with non-English speakers and renews his commitment to help students and others acquire language skills "to more directly interact with a world that increasingly feels like a global village." 

Nov 1, 2011

Helping Soldiers Talk the Talk

Several years ago, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures received a grant to teach ROTC students five critical languages: Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Russian and Urdu. That grant launched Project Gold, an intensive summer program that helps prepare future leaders to understand both the languages and the cultures of the places they're going.