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Foreign Language and Literatures

Jun 22, 2013

Department of State Awards Scholarship for Critical Language Study

Timothy Bryant (International Studies, ‘13) is spending his summer studying Punjabi in India, thanks to a U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship (CLS). Bryant focused his international studies on South Asia and the Middle East and earned a minor in Hindi-Urdu. The CLS program is part of the federal government's effort to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering critical foreign languages. 

Jun 4, 2013

Susan Navey-Davis’ Presentation Named One of Ten Best of 2013 SCOLT Conference

A session presented by Susan Navey-Davis, FLL Assistant Head for Student Affairs, was named one of the Ten Best of the 2013 Conference of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT) held in Birmingham, AL in April. This year, 105 sessions were presented by 114 presenters. This is the second time that Susan’s work has made… 

Apr 25, 2013


Students, faculty, and staff filled the patio outside Caldwell Hall for CHASS Fest — a multidisciplinary celebration organized by the Dean's Office, the CHASS Council, and CHASS students. 

Apr 22, 2013

Recent Grad Advocates for Justice Abroad

For Ashley Honeycutt (Political Science, '12), a degree in political science was always a part of the trajectory of law school. But her experiences in CHASS and with the Susan Carter Scholarship inspired some changes in course. Honeycutt currently works with the International Justice Mission in La Paz, Bolivia. 

Feb 13, 2013

Letters Home

While Maryam Mohaghegh may not be able to send express mail home due to current sanctions, she is doing one better — working on the Farsi editions of National Geographic magazine.