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May 8, 2013

2013 Faculty Awards

Faculty from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences were recently recognized for outstanding accomplishments in teaching, advising, research and engagement at an awards ceremony and reception in Caldwell Lounge. "As we mark our 50th year as a distinct college, we continue to come into our own, as is reflected in our faculty's accomplishments," said CHASS Dean Jeff Braden. "The scholarship, commitment, and passion represented by these awards demonstrate the breadth of excellence in our faculty." 

May 7, 2013

CHASS Outstanding Lecturer: Keiko Ueda

Keiko Ueda, Foreign Languages and Literatures, makes learning Japanese creative, engaging and enjoyable by creating an inclusive classroom where students can practice language, make mistakes, and improve their abilities. She challenges students to develop multicultural awareness, an understanding of US-Japanese relations, and to see their role as citizens who can make the world a better… 

Apr 25, 2013


Students, faculty, and staff filled the patio outside Caldwell Hall for CHASS Fest — a multidisciplinary celebration organized by the Dean's Office, the CHASS Council, and CHASS students. 

Apr 22, 2013

Recent Grad Advocates for Justice Abroad

For Ashley Honeycutt (Political Science, '12), a degree in political science was always a part of the trajectory of law school. But her experiences in CHASS and with the Susan Carter Scholarship inspired some changes in course. Honeycutt currently works with the International Justice Mission in La Paz, Bolivia. 

Apr 3, 2013

April 2013 Student of the Month

Brittany Puckett is a senior majoring in Criminology with minors in Forensic Science and Spanish. She is interning at the Wake County District Attorney's Office, is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority, and has been accepted to Elon University School of Law for Fall 2013. 

Apr 1, 2013

A Contracorriente

Founded in 2003 as a refereed, electronic journal designed to stimulate socio-historical analyses of Latin American literature and to counteract the relativism present in poststructuralism and postmodernism, A Contracorriente evolved, shortly thereafter, as a journal dedicated to Latin American studies. It aims to foster intellectual debate about Latin American politics, history, economics, literature and culture from socio-historical… 

Mar 7, 2013

CHASS Marks Golden Jubilee With Multimedia Timeline

2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. While the humanities and social sciences have been woven into the fabric of NC State University's history from its earliest days, our college was officially established as a unique entity in 1963. For our Golden Jubilee, we've assembled a multimedia timeline that reflects the college’s rich history, provides some insights about who we are, and maybe even hints at what the future might hold. Enjoy! 

Mar 2, 2013

March 2013 Student of the Month

Student of the Month Joe Murray is a senior double majoring in German Studies and Mathematics. He is active on campus, while also maintaining a 4.0 in his German major. Joe serves as student body treasurer and is involved with such groups as the Film Exposure Society, the Serene, Green, and Clean Movement, and the German Honor Society. 

Feb 13, 2013

Letters Home

While Maryam Mohaghegh may not be able to send express mail home due to current sanctions, she is doing one better — working on the Farsi editions of National Geographic magazine. 

Jan 24, 2013

Happy birthday, CHASS!

Happy birthday, CHASS! 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. We're working on a pretty cool timeline that we'll be sharing with you later this spring. In the meantime, take a peek at a video created for the timeline by Jim Alchediak, an instructor in our Department of Communication, with the help of some of his advanced video production students. Stay tuned!