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Study in Peru!

Unlock a World of Possibilities: Study Abroad in Peru!


The benefits of participating in a study abroad program are well documented. For instance, a recent article by The National Jurist summarizes several that apply not only to future lawyers but to any professional with a global outlook. Studying abroad offers students the opportunity to:


  • Consider new career paths
  • Make friends from different cultures outside the U.S.
  • Take site-specific courses
  • Explore important historical and cultural landmarks
  • Improve interpersonal, problem solving, and leadership skills


These are just a few of the many benefits that the Study Abroad Program in Peru at NC State offers its participants.


The program started 19 years ago under the leadership of Leonardo (Leo) Villagarcía and his late wife Kay Villagarcía. It lasts six weeks during which students attend classes at the 300 and 400 level while experiencing the many wonderful things the country has to offer, from world class cuisine, to the modern capital city, Lima, sandboarding and dune buggy rides on the desert coast, and adventures in the Andes Mountains.


During these six amazing weeks, students have the opportunity to explore Machu Picchu, see amazing views, towns, and people in the Andes Mountains, explore Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Incas, and do a community service project in an elementary school near Cuzco. All that while immersing themselves in the language and culture by living with Peruvian families.


Current class offerings include FL 395: Culture and Society of Modern Peru & FL 395: The Search for Ancient Peru. Both courses can count towards a Spanish Elective or a Literature and Culture requirement. The second course on Ancient Peru, can be counted as a 400-level course provided students have taken 12 credit hours at the 300 level. An additional paper will be required for 400-level credit. The program will also fulfill two requirements towards the Global Perspective Certificate: the internationally focused service project and the study abroad requirement.


Are you ready for an adventure this summer? Contact the Study Abroad Office or the program director Leonardo Villagarcía ( now! The deadline is February 15!


To find out more, read what previous study abroad participants had to say about their summer adventures:

Study Abroad in Peru’s director Leonardo Villagarcía during a visit to the Nazca Lines in Southern Peru, Summer of 2015


NC State students during a visit at the Museo Larco in Lima, summer of 2015