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Postcards from Spain 3: La ruta de los castillos – The Castle Route

Continuing with our series

La ruta de los castillos – The Castle Route

May 22, 2016

After a week in Spain we have already learned so much! Our first excursion was to a monastery, winery and then to see castles that were built centuries ago. The monastery was interesting because all of the images on the large columns you will see below in the photos tell a different story regarding religion, culture, economics and other ideas at the time. It was beautiful and the open garden that was in the center was like something out of a movie. The winery was also a great experience because we learned about the process of making wine and the owner was very nice.

Today's guest bloggers are Wolfpackers Kelly Jones and Caroline Perry.
Today’s guest bloggers are Wolfpackers Kelly Jones and Caroline Perry.

Following our visit to the winery, we went to a castle in a small town outside of Segovia named Coca. The castle was enormous from the inside out. When we arrived, we got off of the bus to go and get some good pictures. After a few snaps with our cameras, it was time to go inside for a tour. The castle was filled with various types of rooms. We climbed each floor through a narrow, spiral staircase. It was actually very difficult not to trip because all of the stairs were different depths. The stairs were made this way so that years ago intruders couldn’t go up easily. At the top of the castle was a large terrace with a 360 degree view of the city.

Next, we stopped in a town called Turégano for lunch. Pasta, salad, pork, and chicken were among the choices we had for our meal. And not to forget… Bread! For dessert, we each enjoyed an ice cream cone.

With our stomach’s full, we got on the bus for our last stop in a town called Pedraza. We had about 40 minutes of free time to explore the town and take in its beauty. An interesting fact about Pedraza is that it has a door to the city which is the only way in and one way out and is surrounded by walls. Pedraza is also known to be a rich city.

By Kelly Jones and Caroline Perry

Segovia Blog 2016